
180519_230 Israel & Jordanien

«Follow the Arrow»

Hi! I’m Jeanine, an adventurous globetrotter on a quest to find special places to explore – at home, and around the world.

In my offline-life, I’m a product manager for postcard apps. I love to travel the world, find little boutique hotels, restaurants with otherworldly good food, hidden places, worthwhile experiences – and share those things with you. This blog is filled with my finds from my travels, my experiences and recommendations. Alongside all this, I also share personal stories from along the way. Thank you for following along.

Why is my blog called «Follow the Arrow»?

Because of two reasons. One: When out rumbling the streets of the world you see arrows everywhere: on signposts, street markings, hiking trails or on a compass. Which makes arrows a faithful companion to a wandering soul. Two: «Follow the Arrow» is also a call to follow your dreams, beliefs and your inner compass. Plus, secret between us, I heard a cheesy country song one day about following your arrow, which I quite liked and couldn’t get out of my my head for days, which eventually lead to the thoughts listed above.

How much do I travel?

I am in the privileged situation to work for an employer, who grants me 6 weeks of vacation per year. I work full-time and usually go on one bigger trip and a couple of smaller trips per year. At the end of the year, there’s still too much world to be seen and too few vacation days. That’s why my boyfriend Oliver and I have decided to take some time off work, take an unpaid leave and go traveling for 4 months. Follow along to see where our journey takes us!

Who do I travel with?

Since over 6 years, I have gone on most of my trips with Oliver – my boyfriend, external hard drive, boundary-pusher and mental math machine. He can’t pass an animal without greeting it personally, can research hours for the best restaurant,  and can get pretty angry when not having enough food. That’s why my bags are usually stocked with a variety of snacks. Most of the restaurant tipps you will find on here, are based on his research and our love for good food. We live by the motto that we don’t see the point on spending money on food to just have eaten. When we eat, we want to have a party in our mouths!

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact me!